Page 13 - New Ministry - Apostolic Missions Inc
P. 13

After the church in which they were working closed, God led
the Moores through a series of moves, to a large second-floor
room in a former mortuary in downtown Los Angeles. They
were living and working here when the building was put up for
sale. Through the sacrificial giving of friends, they were able to
purchase the building and here the ministry was housed for
about 25 years.

   As many as 12 to 15 workers lived and worked in the
building. Additional workers lived in economical hotels nearby.
A number who helped shoulder the work not only volunteered
their time but also gave to the work from their modest pensions.
Others whose love and zeal for the Lord made them gladly
wiling for the simple, unworldly, dedicated living and working
which the humble ministry required, received in exchange room
and board and a small allowance for necessary expenses.

   Calls for Herald of His Coming began to come from around
the world, and eventually the paper was being mailed into as
many as 200 countries. The number of papers printed grew
steadily until a peak was reached in the early 1960’s of 425,000
papers monthly. Six four-page papers for the unsaved were
printed and mailed by the hundreds of thousands. A number
went to distributors who took them to the highways and byways
of the world to many beyond reach of the post office. About 20
of Brother and Sister Moore’s editorials were printed in tract
form and circulated by the tens of thousands.
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