Page 11 - Prophetic Word Newsletters Archive 2006 by Pastor Randy Shupe
P. 11

                           CONVERTING THE SOUL.”
                                         Psalm 19:7

                                                                  “…WE CONCLUDE               “DO WE THEN MAKE VOID
                                                         THAT A MAN IS JUSTIFIED BY          THE LAW THROUGH FAITH?
                                                       FAITH APART FROM THE DEEDS    CERTAINLY NOT! ON THE CONTRARY,
                                                                                       WE ESTABLISH THE LAW.” Rom. 3:31
                                                            OF THE LAW.” Rom. 3:28

    Paul would not be an advocate of the popular
    modern-day theory that God’s grace has delivered
    the believer from the law. His point is rather that no
    one can be saved by means of keeping the law.

                   “THIS IS THE COVENANT                                               The New Covenant that Jesus mediates
                     THAT I WILL MAKE...”                                                                 (Heb.8:6) contains not only

                                                                                     the grace of God, but also the law of God.

      THE LAW      1. “...I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN                                                                  How can one
                    THEIR MIND AND WRITE THEM                                                                     espouse the
           OF GOD   ON THEIR HEARTS...” (vs.10)                                                            cherished saying,
                                                                                                     “I have been delivered
    THE GRACE       2. “...ALL SHALL KNOW ME,                                                                    from the law”
                         FROM THE LEAST OF THEM                                                  When law simply means,
          OF GOD          TO THE GREATEST OF THEM.”                                                    “That which is right.”
                                                                                     Can the believer be delivered from
                   “ (vs.11)                                                            obedience to that which is right?
                                                                                     Paul’s answer was “Certainly not!”
                   3. ...I WILL BE MERCIFUL TO THEIR                                  Old Testament Mosaic Law, Yes!
                   UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, AND THEIR                                                New Testament law, Never!
                   I WILL REMEMBER NO MORE.”

    On the next two pages we shall briefly consider                                     (“TORAH” – INSTRUCTION)
    two types of “law” that still exist for New                                      (LAW – “THAT WHICH IS RIGHT”)
    Testament believers. They are God’s laws that
    are“statutes” and His laws that are                                              CCOONNSSEEQQUUEENNTTIIAALL LLAAWW TTHHAATT GGOOVVEERRNNSS--CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS
    “commandments.” Both have to do with King
    Jesus, “our lawgiver” who is king of the present      (CORPORATE LAWS                    (INDIVIDUAL LAWS
    manifestation of the Kingdom of God, the one      DESIGNED TO GOVERN              DESIGNED TO GOVERN THE
    that abides in the heart of every born-again      THE KINGDOM OF GOD)            SUBJECTS OF THE KINGDOM)

    As stated earlier, these are not God’s
    suggestions. These are absolutes. Believers
    who ignore God’s law as a lifestyle risk being
    removed from the Kingdom of God at the end of
    the age (Mat. 13:41-43, Mat. 7:21-23).
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