Page 5 - Prophetic Word Newsletters Archive 2006 by Pastor Randy Shupe
P. 5

IS AN ACROSTIC OF           This is a sacred              22
    THE HEBREW ALPHABET             psalm among            HEBREW
       22 HEBREW CONSONANTS     orthodox Jews. It is      FORMING
         FORMING 22 DIVISIONS    used to teach the
                OF PSALM 119,   Hebrew alphabet to              22
             EACH CONTAINING    their children and is  DIVISIONS OF
                    8 VERSES.  memorized by Jewish
                               children as they grow    PSALM 119,
   22 GENERATIONS FROM                                        EACH
    ADAM TO JACOB (ISRAEL)         into adulthood.
                               The number “22” is a    CONTAINING
         22 ACTS OF GOD                                          8
          IN CREATION            cherished number
      22 BOOKS COMPRISE           among the Jews.           VERSES.

   Here are mini printouts of the 6 sub-topics and their repetitious appearance in this psalm:

   23 TIMES                                                          21 TIMES
    22 TIM ES                                                        20 TIM ES

   20 TIMES                                                          12 TIMES
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10