Page 13 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 13

3. THE LORD is the one who is OUR LAWGIVER:

Obviously every king has a kingdom over which he rules. How does he rule? By means
of instituting His governing laws. The Lord Jesus becomes the Lawgiver to every
                                follower of Christ. Hear this:

       His laws are designed to govern His people within His kingdom!
                            But you may think “wait a minute!

          Is not the New Covenant a covenant of grace and not of law?”

Not according to what is
written in the Word of God.
Little known is the fact                                          LAW          T
that there are three terms                                                     H
specified in the New                             1. “...I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN  E
Covenant. However,                  CLAUSE       THEIR MIND AND WRITE          N
we’ve only been taught                 #1        THEM ON THEIR HEARTS...”
one term namely, “grace.”                        KNOWLEDGE OF GOD
The word translated as                                                         W
covenant (“b’rith”) means                   2. “...ALL SHALL KNOW ME,          C
“to bind.” An old hymn is           CLAUSE       FROM THE LEAST OF THEM        O
entitled “blessed be the tie           #2         TO THE GREATEST OF THEM.”    V

that binds.” However, for                                   GRACE              E
the most part, God’s
people have only been                       3. “...I WILL BE MERCIFUL TO       N
taught one-third of that            CLAUSE  THEIR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, AND         A
binding agreement.                     #3   THEIR SINS AND THEIR LAWLESS       N
                                            DEEDS I WILL REMEMBER NO           T
Namely, to hold quite firmly                MORE..”
to the clause that binds God to
“ be merciful to their unrighteousness,                      Hebrews 8:10-12
and...their sins and their lawless
deeds...(to) remember no more.”

Heb. 8:12

Theologically, we have condensed this concept to the term, “grace.” However, the
covenant places an equally binding obligation upon the people of God to allow Him to
“...put His laws in their mind and write them on their hearts...” (Heb.8:10).
This concept can be condensed to the term “law.” The needful question to be
answered is: Can we just pick out grace, but then discard the law term of the
covenant? (2 Tim.2:15). If God’s people do not diligently search out the biblical
balance between the subjects of law vs. grace, there is going to be a multitude of saints
who will be ashamed when God Himself confronts them in eternity with the remainder
of the contents of the New Covenant! It is not a matter of law or grace but rather law
and grace! Consider that Jesus makes a vivid and lengthy comparison between Old
Testament Law and New Testament Law in His dissertation found in Matthew 5, 6,
and 7. You must read the continuity of these chapters for it is a vivid depiction of
Jesus as our King describing Himself now as our Lawgiver. Jesus opens various topics
with this repeated saying, “You have heard that it was said…but I say unto you”
(see Matt. 5:27,31,33,38,43) In these chapters Jesus compares O. T. Law to His N. T.
Law designed to govern the subjects of His new Kingdom.

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