Page 57 - Prophetic Word Newsletters Archive 2006 by Pastor Randy Shupe
P. 57

Limited space prevents me from greatly elaborating on these four subtle substitutes capable of cheating

    us of what is available in Christ. However, let me give you a good, vivid definition of each one and

    comment on them as space permits:


    “BEWARE LEST ANYONE CHEAT YOU THROUGH                                            This website has a wealth of information that
        “STORING UP ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE OF                                            will help you to see what is happening to the
                THE WORKINGS OF THE MIND…                                           church through the acceptance of the worldly
                                                                                    principles of psychology as being “Christian.”
      THE LOVE OR PURSUIT OF THE UNDERLYING                                            It also warns against the 12- step programs
                                                                                          as being in harmony with the Scriptures.
             A QUEST FOR TRUTH BY MEANS OF                                                            Nothing is further from the truth.
                                                              The wisdom of psychology looks within man for the answers
                   SPECULATIONS…THEORIES…                     to life. God’s Word tells us, “in me…nothing good dwells”
                       PLAUSIBLE CONCEPTS…                    (Rom. 7:18). The answers to man’s problems require that we
                                                              look into who God is in us for “I can do all things through
           EXPLORING THE MENTAL POWERS OF                     Christ who strengthens me” (Phil.4:13).
                     LOGIC AND REASONING…

                   LIVING A DESIRABLE LIFE…”

    “BEWARE LEST ANYONE CHEAT YOU THROUGH                     This world will promise you anything, but deliver little or
                                                              nothing of that which is promised. Why? Because its promises
        “MADISON AVENUE TECHNIQUES”                           are filled with “empty deceit.” What else can one expect from
                   CRAFTY DECEPTION,                          a world which “…lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 Jn.
                                                              5:19), who is also called “the father of lies” (Jn. 8:44).
        FOR THE PURPOSE OF MISLEADING,                        God’s promises are based on truth and rest firmly on this
    MISGUIDING… FRAUD, TRICKERY, LIES…                        stated fact, “…for it is impossible for God to lie (therefore) we
       TO DECEIVE BY MEANS OF FALSIFIED                       have strong consolation…to lay hold of the hope set before
                                                              us. This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure
           EVIDENCE… GUILE AND CLEVER                         and steadfast…” (Heb. 6:18-19). Whatever is necessary for life
    MANEUVERING, OR MANIPULATION OF                           and godliness has already been given to us in the form of
                                                              “…exceedingly great and precious promises” (2 Pet. 1:4).

    “BEWARE LEST ANYONE CHEAT YOU THROUGH                     The traditions practiced by the world in which we live should
                                                              never be viewed as “harmless traditions.” Jesus warned that it
           “THE HANDING DOWN OF CHERISHED                     was such traditions that caused them to be guilty of “…laying
                      OPINIONS AND IDEALS…                    aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of
                                                              men…all too well you reject the commandment of God, that
          BELIEFS AND CUSTOMS HANDED DOWN                     you may keep your tradition…making the Word of God of no
                       BY WORD OF MOUTH…                      effect through your tradition which you have handed down.
                                                              And many such things you do” (Mark 7:8,9,13). Not only can
    PRACTICES AND CUSTOMS TRANSFERRED FROM                    Judaism be charged with this selective sin, but also
                GENERATION TO GENERATION…                     Catholicism ranks as “the king of tradition.” As Protestant
                                                              believers, we would do well to examine the degree to which
         AN INHERITED OR ESTABLISHED WAY OF                   we too have replaced truth with tradition. Start with Christmas
             THINKING OR PERFORMING THAT IS                   and Easter.

          COMMONLY ACCEPTED AS HISTORICAL,                    Politics, commerce and religion in themselves easily qualify
               BUT USUALLY LACKING EVIDENCE                   as being among “the basic principles of the world” in which we
                      TO SUPPORT ITS CLAIM…                   live. However, the apostle John is even more specific as to
                                                              what these “basic principles of the world” are. They are “the
    “BEWARE LEST ANYONE CHEAT YOU THROUGH                     lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life” , the
                                                              same three Satan used on Eve in the Genesis account, the
             A FUNDAMENTAL LAW GOVERNING                      same three he tried on Jesus in the wilderness temptation
          CONDUCT…A BELIEF THAT EXERCISES A                   (Mat. 4:5-11), and are the same three that he presently uses on
    DIRECTING INFLUENCE ON BEHAVIOR SUCH AS                   every believer to get them to worship something other than
          POLITICS, COMMERCE AND RELIGION…                    God. We must strive to remain a people who get their
                                                              principles from THE WORD rather than from THE WORLD.
                                 “ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD-
                                     THE LUST OF THE FLESH,
                                      THE LUST OF THE EYES,
                                     AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE-
                                      IS NOT OF THE FATHER
                                     BUT IS OF THE WORLD.”
                                                  1 Jn. 2:16
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