Page 17 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 17


No such promises exist for the unbeliever at death. Both the spirit of Death and the spirit of Hades
have power over the unbeliever at the point of physical death. Death is both a physical event and a
demonic spirit. So is Hades (Hell) a physical place under the earth as well as a demonic spirit.

                                           “…AND THE NAME OF HIM WHO SAT ON IT WAS DEATH,

                                                                                   Rev. 6:8

Not only is death a      Based on the fact that man
physical event and       is spirit, soul, and body,
Hades a literal place    I believe it means this:
under the earth, but
Revelation 6:8 depicts          (1) THE SPIRIT
Death and Hades as                 OF DEATH
(their names are              IS GIVEN POWER
Death and Hades.)               TO IMPRISON
Notice that power was
given to them. It is my    THE PHYSICAL BODY
suspicion that Death,      OF THE UNBELIEVER
as a demonic
personage, meets               IN THE GRAVE.
those who die outside
of Christ at the moment          (2) THE SPIRIT
of death. Rev. 6:8                  OF HADES,
states that Hades
follows with him. What          WHO FOLLOWS
does that mean?                     WITH HIM,

                               IS GIVEN POWER
                                 TO IMPRISON

                           THE SPIRIT AND SOUL
                            OF THE UNBELIEVER

                              IN HADES (HELL).

We can safely deduce from the Scriptures that the spirit, soul and body of the unbeliever are
imprisoned by Death and Hades, for we read of the yet-future Great White Throne Judgment
that will judge all unbelievers:

                                                                            “THEN I SAW A GREAT WHITE THRONE AND HIM WHO
                                                                           SAT ON IT…AND I SAW THE DEAD, SMALL AND GREAT,

                                                                                STANDING BEFORE GOD, AND THE BOOKS WERE
                                                                          OPENED…AND THE DEAD WERE JUDGED ACCORDING TO

                                                                                 THEIR WORKS, BY THE THINGS WRITTEN IN THE
                                                                            BOOKS…DEATH AND HADES DELIVERED UP THE DEAD
                                                                            WHO WERE IN THEM. AND THEY WERE JUDGED, EACH
                                                                             ONE ACCORDING TO HIS WORKS. THEN DEATH AND
                                                                          HADES WERE CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. THIS IS THE
                                                                          SECOND DEATH. AND ANYONE NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN
                                                                          THE BOOK OF LIFE WAS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE….

                                                                                  THE COWARDLY, UNBELIEVING, ABOMINABLE,
                                                                         MURDERERS, SEXUAL IMMORAL, SORCERERS, IDOLATERS,
                                                                         AND ALL LIARS SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE OF

                                                                                FIRE WHICH BURNS WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE,
                                                                                              WHICH IS THE SECOND DEATH.”
                                                                                                       Rev. 20:11-15 and 21:8

Death and Hades presently have power over the dead (unbelievers). However, on this judgment day,

God will require them to “deliver up the dead who were in them.” Not only are these unbelievers cast

into the Lake of Fire, but also God casts the personages of Death and Hades into the same place. Why

so? God no longer needs them to imprison the dead for it is at this moment that God will destroy His

last enemy which is Death! Sandwiched inbetween these two depictions of the Lake of Fire are these

great words:                          “…THERE SHALL BE NO MORE DEATH,

                     FOR THE FORMER THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY.” Rev. 21:4
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