Page 2 - Divinely Complete A Study in God's Threefold Cords
P. 2

“A                      IS          THREEFOLD CORD OF           “A                      IS
THREEFOLD             NOT QUICKLY                               THREEFOLD             NOT QUICKLY
                                   “THE APOSTLES DOCTRINE:
    CORD                 BROKEN”                                    CORD                 BROKEN”
                                      FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE”
           Ecc. 4:12                                                       Ecc. 4:12

This first threefold cord comprises what Acts 2:42 calls,
“the apostles doctrine.” It consists of what the apostle Paul
singled out as the three greatest abiding doctrines of
“faith, hope and love.” The greatest of these three is not
stated to be “faith” but rather “love” (1 Cor. 13:13).

Much of what is presented today under the banner of faith
is “love-less faith.” The scripture reminds the believer that
“faith works through love” (Gal.5:6), and that is why Paul
states the greatest is love (1 Cor. 13:12-13).

In the midst of a barrage of faith teaching today, Jesus
poses the question, When the Son of man comes, will He
really find faith on the earth?” ( Luke 18:8).

                                      TO EXPRESS BIBLICAL

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