Page 7 - New Ministry - Apostolic Missions Inc
P. 7

Our vision is to reach the peoples of the world, in a
language they can understand, with the Bible teaching of
Derek Prince, using every type of media and all forms of
distribution, regardless of the economic means of the
recipients. Derek Prince Ministries is dedicated to the
proclamation of the Gospel around the world, but
especially in countries where there is persecution and
political, religious or economic oppression.

        Today, Derek Prince Ministries has 13 national
offices around the world from which there are over 45
outreaches working in over 100 languages. These offices
and outreaches take Derek's material in all its media
formats—print, audio, video and radio—and translates it
into the languages in their sphere of responsibility.
As a ministry, we do not establish churches or Bible
schools. We are called to work with the local indigenous
leadership of the Christian community and to come
alongside and support them in their efforts of
evangelism, discipleship and church growth. Derek was
a missionary at heart. Wherever he went, it was his
desire to serve the Church in that nation. That is our
attitude today. Our goal is to reach the un-reached and
teach the untaught. A great majority of the material that
we produce is given away to do just that.
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