Page 44 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 44


Dear reader, it is quite ludicrous to think that when the Father spoke from heaven
saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (Matt. 17:5),
that He was in essence saying, “This is (Me in the role of) My beloved Son, in whom
I am well pleased. Hear (Me) as I speak (as) Him”? If we are indeed to embrace a
literal “three-in-one God,” then that is what is being conveyed! How is this concept
able to make us “one as He is one” with the Father?
In addition, we would have to believe that Jesus, in stating of the Father (which He
would really be saying of Himself) things like, “The Father loves the Son, and shows
Him all things that He Himself does” (Jn. 5:20). Think about it dear saint! If the
Father and the Son are one and the same God, this phrase has no real meaning for
us! It would also be meaningless for Jesus to teach us, “I do not seek My own will,
but the will of the Father who sent Me” (Jn. 5:30), if indeed the Son is in reality the
Father! If He is the Father as well as the Son, then of course He would do His will-
they are one and the same! Rather, the real lesson being conveyed is that we are
being presented with TWO WILLS of two different members of the Godhead that are
functioning together in perfect UNITY and ONENESS with one another! Jesus is
teaching His disciples how they too can function in unity and oneness! It is a
meaningless illustration if the Father and the Son are really one and the same person.

                  AM I MAKING YOUR HEAD HURT?

                    Then be encouraged by this needful exhortation from
                         Evangelist/teacher Charles Grandison Finney:

    Charles Grandison Finney                        “LET NO ONE DESPAIR
             1792-1875                        IN COMMENCING THIS BOOK,
                                         NOR STUMBLE AT THE DEFINITIONS,
(Presbyterian minister and leader     THINKING HE CAN NEVER UNDERSTAND
in the Second Great Awakening
                                                 SO ABSTRUSE A SUBJECT…
       in the United States.                               MY BROTHER,
      He has been called th`e                             SISTER FRIEND-
  "Father of Old Revivalism.”)
                                                     READ, STUDY, THINK
                                                TO DEVELOP YOUR POWERS

                                                             BY STUDY.
                                             GOD DESIGNED THAT RELIGION

                                               SHOULD REQUIRE THOUGHT,
                                                      INTENSE THOUGHT,

                                        AND SHOULD THOROUGHLY DEVELOP
                                                OUR POWERS OF THOUGHT.

                                             THE BIBLE ITSELF IS WRITTEN IN
                                      A STYLE SO CONDENSED AS TO REQUIRE

                                                    MUCH INTENSE STUDY.
                                                   MANY KNOW NOTHING
                                             OF THE BIBLE OR OF RELIGION,
                                   BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT THINK AND STUDY.
                                                    I DO NOT PRETEND TO
                                              SO EXPLAIN THEOLOGY AS TO

                                                      DISPENSE WITH THE
                                                    LABOR OF THINKING.”

                                   44          (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY-
                                       PREFACE, PAGE 9- CHARLES FINNEY)
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