Page 103 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2011
P. 103


How is Jesus going to show the way? It is not restricted to just Jesus being “the way” via the new birth.
Rather it is a progressive unfolding to the believer of Jesus Christ first as “the way”, then as “the truth”,
and finally as “the life”. Salvation is an ongoing progressive process in the life of the believer, just as
Jesus’ revelation of Himself is an ongoing, progression of revelation to be applied in the redemption of
the believer. Salvation first comes to the spirit, then it is worked out in the soul, and finally will be
manifested in the resurrected (or raptured) body of those for whom Christ died. Altogether, this is
“salvation”, and is best expressed by the concept of “being saved”. For instance, how can you say that
“I have been saved” when your body is yet to be ”saved” by means of resurrection or rapture? (Rom.
8:23-25) This stated “salvation” of the body is the final act of salvation. Everything pertaining to salvation
was not completed in the initial act of the new birth. There is more to come.

  PAST                             We know that the event known as the “new birth” is when salvation first
                                   comes to man. To what part of man does salvation come, the total man
SSAALLVVAATTIIOONN BBEEGGIINNSS    (spirit, soul and body) or to a portion of man as God created him? Jesus
    IINN TTHHEE SSPPIIRRIITT       specifically tells us what happens at the new birth.

BORN OF THE SPIRIT What is “born again” is the spirit of man. However, the spirit is not the
     “YOU MUST                   complete expression of a man, is it? Man is spirit, possesses a soul, and lives
                                 in a body, all of which God intends to “sanctify completely” as we saw earlier
         Jn. 3:5-7               in 1 Thess. 5:23-24.

                    God works in man from the inside to the outside. Life must begin with a

                    transformation of his degenerate spirit by the Spirit of the living God (see Rom.

                    8:15-16). here man receives the first definition of grace that we studied earlier,

                    “Divine influence upon the heart.”

However, as you also remember there is a second manifestation of God’s grace that must follow, “and
its reflection in the life”, which brings us to the second phase of God’s plan of salvation: bringing
restoration to the soul of the born again Christian. This is not a finished product of the new birth.

PRESENT                                 Notice when the apostle Peter declares that salvation comes to “the
                                        soul”! It is at THE END of your faith, rather than a thing achieved at
         SSAALLVVAATTIIOONN IISS        the the beginning via the act of the new birth! Remember earlier I
             WWOORRKKEEDD               showed you that your “Faith without works is a dead faith” and that
                                        grace received in your heart is now to have a “reflection in the life.”
      OOUUTT IINN TTHHEE SSOOUULL       The new birth is to be followed with an outward manifestation of a new
                                        life! That is why Paul states, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new
             “…RECEIVING                creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have
                 THE END                become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).

          OF YOUR FAITH-                Likewise, the apostle Paul places the saving of the soul as a goal set
        THE SALVATION OF                before the Christian, not as an event that took place at the new birth.
                                        Notice, too, that Paul believed that a Christian could go backwards all
           YOUR SOULS…”                 the way to perdition (“eternal misery”).
                    1 Pet. 1:9
                                   Dear Christian, IF you accept that faith is to be EVIDENCED by works,
 “WE ARE NOT OF THOSE              and IF you believe God is looking for an outward reflection of His grace
    WHO DRAW BACK TO               EVIDENCED in your life, then you can fully understand this difficult verse
                                   penned by the apostle Paul instructing the believer to “work out your own
PERDITION, BUT OF THOSE            salvation” as God “works in you” to will and do of His good pleasure! God
    WHO BELIEVE TO THE             expects His “sheep” to submit to the “restoration of the soul” as stated in
   SAVING OF THE SOUL”             Psalm 23:3. God expects His people to “be renewed in the spirit of their
                 Heb. 10:39        mind” in order that they may PROVE (demonstrate) what is the “good…
      “…WORK OUT YOUR              acceptable…perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2).
           FOR IT IS GOD

                 Phil. 2:12-13
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