Page 107 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2011
P. 107


So far we have considered seven Scriptures found in five different epistles of Paul that bear witness

that eternal life comes at the end and not the beginning of our salvation. Paul is consistent in his

preaching to all the churches. There is no room for misinterpretation when his teaching spans five

different epistles written at different times. Paul taught that eternal life is a hope and a promise for the


         7th Witness:

                                                   If Paul authored the Book of Hebrews

  “ …HE IS THE MEDIATOR                            (which I believe he did), then again we
OF THE NEW COVENANT BY                                 find him carefully referring to our

  MEANS OF DEATH…THAT                               eternal inheritance as being a promise
  THOSE WHO ARE CALLED                             rather than a present possession. If Paul
                                                   did not author this epistle, then whoever
           MAY RECEIVE

         THE PROMISE                               did is preaching exactly what Paul taught
             OF THE                                pertaining to eternal life; namely, that it is
                                                      a promise rather than a possession.


         Hebrews 9:15

Among those who taught that eternal life is a future possession and not a present one was Jesus
Himself. May I remind you that Acts 3:22-23 warns:

         8th Witness:                                     “THE LORD YOUR GOD WILL RAISE UP FOR YOU A
                                                        PROPHET LIKE ME FROM YOUR BRETHREN. HIM YOU
                                                    SHALL HEAR IN ALL THINGS, WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU.
                                                   AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS THAT EVERY SOUL WHO WILL
                                                    NOT HEAR THAT PROPHET SHALL BE UTTERLY DESTROYED

                                                                           FROM AMONG THE PEOPLE.”

  “ASSUREDLY, I SAY UNTO YOU,                      Let us consider these very precise words
THERE IS NO ONE WHO HAS LEFT                       that Jesus spoke pertaining to eternal life.
OR FATHER OR MOTHER OR WIFE                            Just as Paul did in Romans 6:22-23,
OR CHILDREN OR LANDS, FOR MY                          Jesus, in these passages, states the
                                                   inheritance for the present and the future.
       SAKE AND THE GOSPEL’S,                         What will the believer receive “in this
      WHO SHALL NOT RECEIVE                        time?” Jesus said it would be “houses and
                                                      brothers and sisters and mothers and
        A HUNDREDFOLD NOW                            children and lands, with persecutions.”
                                                   That is how He described the Christian life
      IN THIS TIME --                              “in this time.” Then He tells us what will be
                                                      received by the believer “in the age to
   HOUSES AND BROTHERS AND                          come.” It is eternal life! Again, we must
    SISTERS AND MOTHERS AND                         see that what is being said by the wide-
                                                       gate and broad-way gospel is not in
         WITH PERSECUTIONS -                             agreement with what Jesus says.



                                    Mark 10:29-30

Jesus, who is the Word of God, the one who commissioned Paul to write two-thirds of the New
Testament epistles, says in essence, as does Paul, that eternal life is a promise and a hope for “the
age to come.” It is not conveyed as a present possession, but a future possession.

No where does either Jesus or Paul present eternal life as a present possession. Yes, it is a gift, a free
gift, but it is given to the “heirs of the hope of eternal life.” Clearly we need to deal with this issue of
when a believer receives eternal life as a possession. Scripture emphatically tells us it is a hope and a
promise for the future. Let us consider two more witnesses.
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