Page 111 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2011
P. 111
It is with a heavy heart that I must let you know that I will not be writing any newsletters in the coming year. In September, I
was diagnosed with Stage 2, Non-Hodgkin's, Lymphoma Cancer in my groin. No one is ever prepared for hearing the
dreaded “C” word, and neither were we. After the initial shock sank in, we began what has become the biggest battle of our
Upon researching this medically labeled systematic chronic and incurable disease, I entered into a 40 day fast in order to
arrest the rapid spreading of this cancer to other parts of my body. Initially, due to what I studied about the power of
physical fasting, I thought that the fast itself would be sufficient to starve the cancer at work in my body. However, 37 days
into that fast, we felt that God, by a series of events of divine guidance, was directing us to seek additional medical help
outside of the U.S.. Therefore, we went to a specific medical clinic in Mexico for a two-week treatment program which uses
less aggressive forms of chemo and radiation treatments than the standard protocol administered in the U.S.. We are very
thankful to the Lord for the wonderful clinic He sent us to and the huge care, concern and kindness we received while we
were there. We have never experienced the kind of dedication, and personal attention than what we received from these
doctors. As a matter of fact the head oncologist Dr. Vargas still calls me almost every other day to find out how I am doing.
During those two weeks in Mexico I received intravenous feeding of massive doses of vitamin C, B-17 (Laetrile) and B-12
shots. I also received 10% radiation and chemo (instead of the 90% of radiation and chemo used in the U.S.). In those 2
weeks my tumors completely disappeared. However, I had a rough road of recovery ahead as I had contracted bronchitis
and also had various side effects that were most difficult to endure. Thankfully, God had impressed us to stay an extra week
in San Diego in case of any complications. That was a grueling week for me filled with nausea and motion sickness. Later, I
developed great abdominal and rectal pains that made life anything but pleasant.
I lost quite a bit of weight during the fast. I dropped from 142 to 114 pounds. At the writing of this letter, I have only regained
a few pounds of that lost weight. Needless to say, I am quite weak. We are thankful to now be back home in Arvada. Truly,
there is no place like home. Although home, I have not as yet returned to any of my pastoral duties.
I am presently 71 years old and still a full-time pastor of a congregation here in Arvada as well as overseeing another group
in Ohio. I am also on the radio here in the Denver Metro area as well as in Ohio, and I am still making DVD teachings and
writing books here and there. Lord willing, I plan to continue to do most of these activities. However, as the old song says,
“Something has to give”. Therefore I am making this announcement that I will be discontinuing the newsletters for the year
2012 in order to get some much needed rest. The newsletters are a big part of my ministry, which take much research and
study. Not including meditation and study of the subject matter, it takes me an entire week just to produce one newsletter
from start to finish.
In absence of any new newsletter material coming forth for 2012, I want to remind you that there is a wealth of previous
newsletters posted on my website spanning back to 2005. This is a great backlog of material that will sustain your appetite
until, Lord willing, I can get back on my feet. You could also request our catalogue which lists all of my books, DVD’s and
yearly booklet of newsletters which are available for you to order.
It is not only I who needs time to strengthen and recover, but also my caregiver, my dear wife. If you have never served in
this capacity, you cannot comprehend how draining this is on someone, especially when it is your mate. It takes a great toll
physically and emotionally. My wife is 78, and like me, is still working full-time in the ministry. Pray for us that we can
develop a needful “semi-retired” mentality in 2012. We are so thankful that God has chosen to spare my life and has
directed us in paths to achieve that goal. Our God never leaves us nor forsakes us, He is a very present help in time of
trouble and He works all things together for good for those who love Him and those who are the called according to His
purpose. We desire to fulfill His purpose in our time of testing.
May the Lord richly bless you, guide you and strengthen you as you continue to run the race with endurance looking to the
blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It will be worth it all when we see Him face to
Blessings upon you.
Pastor Randy Shupe