Page 28 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 28


   Rabbinical Judaism’s                               Christianity’s
   view of God is                                    View of God is
T                                               PLURALISTIC
   (“there is only one God”)
                                                  (a Triune Godhead)  T


A "HEAR,                                           “THERE             R
                       O                         ARE THREE            U
                                                 THAT BEAR
                      THE                          WITNESS
      LORD                                      IN HEAVEN:
I  OUR GOD,                                     THE FATHER,
                                                THE WORD,
                                                THE HOLY SPIRIT;
                                                 …THESE THREE
                                                    ARE ONE”

   IS ONE!                    “Them there is
   (GOD)”                     fightin’ words!”

O Deut. 6:4                      Here           1 Jn. 5:7             H
                               are two
N  “THERE IS                  opposing            “THERE ARE
       ONLY                   positions             THREE IN
   ONE GOD!”                  on who is
                                                THE GODHEAD!

                              the Almighty.
Rabbinical Judaism is firmly entrenched in the daily Shema prayer declaration (Deut.
6:4) that there is only one monotheistic God in existence. However, Christian
scholars are firmly convinced that the Almighty is revealed as a three-fold Divine
Godhead consisting of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (1 Jn.5:7). Below is
heavy evidence in Genesis that favors Christianity’s view of the existence of a Triune
PLURAL Godhead:

                                             “God ELOHIM said,
                                                "Let Us make man
                                                in Our image,
                                         according to Our likeness”

However, Rabbinical Judaism interprets the meaning of “Elohim” as referring to the
Creator having “plurality in (His) Majesty” rather than plurality in His physical
existence. Rabbinical Judaism teaches that the plurality contained in the word
“Elohim” describes the multi-faceted character/titles of their singular “God.”
However, this does NOT explain how He describes Himself as the Creator in using
words like “US” and “OUR”! The Almighty is not speaking of His majestic attributes
in this contextual setting, but rather of the literal PLURALITY contained within the
Godhead. It is hard to dismiss away that these are the words of a plural Godhead of
“US” and “OUR” speaking rather than a singular “God” who has plurality only in
His Majestic character and titles! Context of Genesis 1:1-26 plainly presents a
PLURAL Godhead at work in creating man in His likeness!

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