Page 29 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 29

There exists stark contrasts between these two different concepts of the Almighty
known as “Elohim.” For Rabbinical Judaism, “Elohim” is one literal “God” who
is plural only by His myriads of majestic character and titles. For the enlightened
Christian “Elohim” represents a Triune (plural) Godhead of three Divine
personages functioning in oneness and unity of purpose.

 ~ELOHIM~                                                                 ~ELOHIM~

to Rabbinical Judaism is                                                    to Christianity is

“PLURALITY                                                               “PLURALITY
IN MAJESTY”                                                               IN UNITY”

           “ONE GOD                                       On             “TRIUNE GODHEAD
           POSSESSING                                 the left is           FUNCTIONING
          MYRIADS OF                               “the tradition
    CHARACTER /TITLES”                                of men.”            AS ONE IN UNITY
                                             It’s stated conclusion is       OF PURPOSE”
T “The precise meaning                                based on
R of "Elohim" is a subject                    monotheistic Judaism          "I do not pray for              T
                                                and its theological       these alone, but also             R
          of interpretation and                 elimination of any                                          U
         debate among scholars.                     possibility of          for those who will
                                             “multiple Gods” being       believe in Me through              T
A …"Elohim" is generally                      implied in the name,                                          H
         understood as a term                        “Elohim.”                  their word;
         for God, emphasizing                   Therefore Elohim                that they all
                                            is defined as consisting of   may be one, as You,
D His authority, power,                      “Plurality in Majesty.”     Father, are in Me, and
          and divine nature…                                               I in You; that they
                                                        However,         also may be one in Us,
I Elohim can be                                  on the right is Jesus’    that the world may
         interpreted as a plural                 prayer to the Father    believe that You sent
             form of majesty,                     expressing a desire       Me. And the glory
                                                                          which You gave Me
T suggesting the                                          for all          I have given them,
              greatness and                                               that they may be one
          sovereignty of God.                     “THAT THEY MAY BE        just as We are one:
                                                              ONE        I in them, and You in
I However, within                                                        Me; that they may be
              the context of                               IN US”…        made perfect in one,
               monotheistic                       “THAT THEY MAY BE        and that the world
                                                                           may know that You
O Judaism, it does not                                        ONE          have sent Me, and
           indicate the belief                           JUST AS WE       have loved them as
                                                         ARE ONE…”        You have loved Me.”
N in multiple gods but                           “THAT THEY MAY BE
           rather emphasizes                        MADE PERFECT IN                          John 17:20-23
           the singular God's
            exalted nature.”                                 ONE.”
         m. com/on-Elohim-the-majesties-               This is the
                     c9986b25fb7c)                 Triune Godhead
                                                 in oneness of unity

                                                     and purpose.
                                                 Therefore “Elohim”
                                                 is defined rightly as
                                                 “Plurality in Unity.”

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