Page 36 - Prophetic Word Newsletters Archive 2006 by Pastor Randy Shupe
P. 36


                                                                       AGE             THE                                                                 AGE OF ISRAEL

                  “…I MUST DECREASE…                                                                     “…THAT HE MAY INCREASE”
                               THE PRESENT                                                     THE FUTURE
                                    GENTILE                                                    JEWISH AGE
                                CHURCH AGE                                                     IS BIRTHED

        FEAST OF  “THE FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES”                                     FEAST OF  (THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION)                                           FEAST OF

    PENTECOST                            Rom.11:25                                TRUMPETS         “THE TIME OF                                            TABERNACLES
                                                                                               JACOB’S TROUBLE”
       (BIRTH OF             “THE DISPENSATION                                    (RAPTURE OF                                                              (1,000 YEAR REIGN
    THE CHURCH)           OF THE GRACE OF GOD”                                    THE CHURCH)              Jer.30:7                                              OF CHRIST)

                                           Eph. 3:2                                                                                              FEAST OF


                                                                                                                                             (2ND COMING
                                                                                                                                               OF CHRIST)

    One of the ways that I test even my own teaching is to overlay the Feasts of the Lord (Lev.23) upon it. If it aligns with the Feasts, then it is truth. The church was
    birthed at the Feast of Pentecost when 3,000 souls were added (Acts. 2:1, 2:41). The Gentiles were added about 14 years later to the church (Acts 11:18). Nearly 2,000
    years have passed, and we are very near the end of the church age marked by Paul’s mystery when“the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (Rom.11:25). The next
    Feast to be fulfilled is the Feast of Trumpets. This is the day of the rapture when Christ Himself will descend with…the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ and
    those who are alive in Christ will be “caught up to meet Him in the air” (1 Thess. 4:13-18, 1 Cor. 15:51-58). Do not let people tell you “no man knows the day or the hour.”
    We do know the day and the hour according to the Scriptures. It will be on the 1st day of Tishri, the specified day of Feast of Trumpets (Lev. 23:24). The hour is
    revealed as being “the midnight hour” (Mat. 25:6). What we do not know is the year!

    After the Rapture on the Feast of Trumpets, the next Feast to be fulfilled is the Day of Atonement. On this specific day, the Lord will appear to Israel bringing salvation
    to His people (Rev. 1:7, Mat. 24:30, Zech.12:10-14, 13:1-9). Seven years of tribulation separate Trumpets from the Day of Atonement. God will save one-third of the Jews
    in this time frame (Zech. 13:8-9). The last Feast is that of Tabernacles which depicts the Millennial reign of Christ as Zechariah Chapter 14 repeats three times. This is
    “the third day” Hosea spoke of in which God would raise up Israel to reign over all the nations (Hos. 6:1-3, Micah 4:1-8, Amos 9:14-15, Joel 3:12-18, Ezk. 39:21-29, Ezk.


    There is more that could be said, but as you can see, we lack space to say it. If you are going to rightly divide the Word of truth as we are admonished to do (2
    Tim.2:15), then you must make place in your theology for Israel. God is saving two groups of people. Presently the thrust is upon the Gentiles, but a time is coming
    (perhaps soon) in which there will occur a prophesied “paradigm shift” in which God’s thrust of salvation will be the Jewish people. It will not come by means of the
    church. I pray that I have been able to communicate that fact to you in this newsletter.
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