Page 33 - Prophetic Word Newsletters Archive 2006 by Pastor Randy Shupe
P. 33

Let us consider now what Paul states as                  “FOR I DO NOT DESIRE, BRETHREN,
    a “mystery” (hidden truth) of which the church            THAT YOU SHOULD BE IGNORANT

    must not remain ignorant lest we be like so                  OF THIS MYSTERY,

    many today that are “wise in their own opinion”            LEST YOU SHOULD BE WISE
                                                                IN YOUR OWN OPINION,
    pertaining to the future destiny of the church:            THAT HARDENING IN PART

    When “the fullness of the Gentiles has come in”    emphasis  HAS HAPPENED TO ISRAEL
    there will occur a paradigm shift. The salvation                 UNTIL THE FULLNESS
                                                                        OF THE GENTILES
    upon the Gentiles will abruptly end, and God will shift      HAS COME IN.

    gears to bring to pass His promise, “and so all Israel       AND SO ALL ISRAEL
                                                                      WILL BE SAVED,
    will be saved.” The salvation of Israel will no longer be     AS IT IS WRITTEN…”
    dependent upon a Gentile church witness as it has been       Romans Chapter 11 :25-26
    so commissioned in this present hour, for soon we will

    have experienced a manifestation of a sudden and violent


    Much of the professing church                    “FOR THE TIME      If you read Jesus’ prophetic seven
    believes in the rapture. Most                    HAS COME FOR      letters to the churches, you will see
    embrace a pre-tribulation rapture,               JUDGMENT TO
    (that is what the Scriptures teach).              BEGIN AT THE            that it is only Philadelphia that
    However, little of the professing               HOUSE OF GOD;      receives the promise of the rapture,
    church readily endorses what the               AND IF IT BEGINS
    virgin parable relates about this                WITH US FIRST,           and Jesus tells us why it is so:
    event. Namely, that only the wise             WHAT WILL BE THE
    virgins, who are considered by God           END OF THOSE WHO               “I KNOW YOUR WORKS.
    as being ready, are taken by Jesus            DO NOT OBEY THE           SEE, I HAVE SET BEFORE YOU
    while the foolish virgins are left             GOSPEL OF GOD?          AN OPEN DOOR, AND NO ONE
    behind for the tribulation (Matt. 25:                                 CAN SHUT IT; FOR YOU HAVE A
                                                       NOW ‘IF THE          LITTLE STRENGTH, YOU HAVE
    1-13)                                         RIGHTEOUS ONE IS       KEPT MY WORD, AND HAVE NOT
                                                   SCARCELY SAVED,      DENIED MY NAME…BECAUSE YOU
    These verses from the apostle Peter                                    HAVE KEPT MY COMMAND TO
    emphasize “the time has come.”                  WHERE WILL THE          PERSEVERE, I ALSO WILL KEEP
    This is the prophetic predetermined          UNGODLY AND THE          YOU FROM THE HOUR OF TRIAL
    time God has appointed for a paradigm         SINNER APPEAR?’ “       WHICH SHALL COME UPON THE
    shift. The church age will end abruptly                               WHOLE WORLD, TO TEST THOSE
    when “the fullness of the Gentiles has             1 Pet. 4:17-18       WHO DWELL ON THE EARTH.
    come in.” Notice it is the time of                                  BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY! HOLD
    JUDGMENT, and where does that                                        FAST WHAT YOU HAVE, THAT NO
    judgment begin? At the house of                                       ONE MAY TAKE YOUR CROWN.”
    God-the church! What happens to
    those who “do not obey the gospel?”                                                     Rev. 3:8-11
    According to Jesus, they are left behind.
                                                                          The rapture is for the faithful. The
                                                                         unfaithful will be left behind. Read
                                                                         the severity of the “repent or else”

                                                                             clauses found in the rest of the
                                                                       letters Jesus wrote to His churches!
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