Page 49 - The Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2009
P. 49


        contained in
        God’s Word
        centers upon
        these three


These three areas constitute what are now past, present, and future aspects of prophecy. The prophetic events
concerning the first coming of Christ are now historical events, things of the past. Many of the prophetic events
pertaining to the nation of Israel have taken place and are continuing to take place in our lifetime. The prophetic
events pertaining to the second coming of Christ lay ahead of us, perhaps also to be fulfilled in our lifetime.

Look at the diagram below pertaining to eight prophesied events recorded about the life of Christ at His first

                                     WWHHEERREE HHEE WWOOUULLDD BBEE BBOORRNN......
                                      HHOOWW HHEE WWOOUULLDD DDIIEE......
                                        WWHHEERREE HHEE WWOOUULLDD BBEE BBUURRIIEEDD......
                                                   SSOOLLDD FFOORR 3300 PPIIEECCEESS OOFF SSIILLVVEERR......
                                                      GGAAMMBBLLEE FFOORR HHIISS CCLLOOTTHHIINNGG......
                                                         NNOO BBOONNEESS WWOOUULLDD BBEE BBRROOKKEENN......
                                                      PPIIEERRCCEE HHIISS HHAANNDDSS AANNDD FFEEEETT......
                                                     RRAAIISSEE FFRROOMM TTHHEE DDEEAADD IINN 33 DDAAYYSS......

                                                               OODDDDSS AAGGAAIINNSSTT BBEEIINNGG HHAAPPPPEENNSSTTAANNCCEE::


How many of these events were under the control of Christ Himself? The answer is none. Could He have
manipulated any of these prophesied events to make them come true? Could He control where He was to be
born? Could He have controlled the details of His death? Could He have controlled where He would have been
buried, namely in a rich man’s tomb? How about the fact that no bones were broken in His body when the
tradition was to break the legs of the crucified victim as death drew near. They broke the legs of those crucified
on either side of Him, but not so with Jesus.

An amazing amount of detail is recorded about Jesus’ first coming that defies the odds of being happenstance
or mere coincidence.
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