Page 46 - The Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2009
P. 46


From the likes of these passages in Isaiah,
the question arises as to whether God merely knows in
advance what is going to happen (divine foreknowledge)
and therefore accurately declares it, or whether He is
actually causing all future events to happen (divine
intervention). I believe the right answer is a delicate and
proper balance of both. The Scriptures do state that God
has foreknowledge:

                    “ELECT, ACCORDING TO

                                 1 Pet. 1:2
                “FOR WHOM HE FOREKNEW,
               TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON...”

                                Rom. 8:29

Although the Scriptures clearly state that “election” and “predestination” are the results of God’s foreknowledge,
man has swung the theological pendulum to embrace two extreme views:

FAR LEFT PENDULUM SWING:                                     FAR RIGHT PENDULUM SWING:
 THE CALVINIST VIEW IS THAT GOD                                   THE DEISTS VIEW IS THAT
 CAUSES ALL EVENTS                                                       GOD CREATED MAN,
 (GOOD OR BAD)                                                    BUT MAKES NO FURTHER
 THE WILL OF GOD ALWAYS                                       INTERVENTION IN HIS LIFE.
 PREVAILS OVER THE WILL                                        THE WILL OF MAN ALWAYS
                                                                 PREVAILS OVER THE WILL
                                                                                            OF GOD.

“Calvinism stresses the           Neither of these two extreme pendulum           “Deism is the belief that a
sovereignty or rule of God            swings properly represents God’s               supreme God exists and
in all things — not only in                    relationship to man.                        created the physical
salvation, but also in all of
life...                        The majority of the founding fathers of           universe, and that religious
Calvinism is a an              America were Deists, and that is why the            truths can be arrived at by
approach to the Christian      Declaration of Independence is filled with
life that emphasizes the       statements elevating man’s reasoning to               the application of reason
sovereign rule of God over     “self-evident truths...inalienable    alone, without dependence
all things...                  alter or abolish amend such     on revelation. Deists typically
The doctrine asserts that,     as to them shall seem most likely...”
since God is sovereign         Democracy has its foundational roots in the           reject most supernatural
and His will cannot be         principles of Deism rather than divine           events (prophecy, miracles)
frustrated by humans or        governing principles written in God’s Word.       and tend to assert that God
anything else, those                                                             has a plan for the universe,
whom God has called to         Likewise, Calvinism is an outright character
salvation will continue in     assassination of the God of the Bible. The         which he does not alter by
faith until the end. Those     highest revelation of God in His Word is not       intervening in the affairs of
who apparently fall away       His absolute sovereignty over man, but
either never had true faith    rather is the fact that God is the Righteous                   human life nor by
to begin with or will return   Judge who deals with man according to            suspending the natural laws
to God... According to this    his/her choices in life.
viewpoint, the plan of God                                                               of the universe. What
is worked out in every         Prophecy is not solely the by-product of           organized religions see as
event of life. God as          God’s sovereign intervention in man’s
Creator sovereignly rules      affairs. Prophecy also contains God’s                  divine religion and holy
over all things...”            foreknowledge of the choices man will               books, most deists see as
(Wikipedia encyclopedia)       make. We will not understand prophecy
                               properly unless we hold a delicate and                 interpretations made by
                               proper view of who God is and how He                other humans, rather than
                                                                                     as authoritative sources.
                                                                                    Deists believe that God's
                                                                                  greatest gift to humanity is

                                                                                            not religion, but the
                                                                                              ability to reason.”

                                                                                     (Wikipedia encyclopedia)
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