Page 5 - The Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2009
P. 5
Two aspects of this political campaign are worthy of considering as examples to the Christian who also has
“a race to run and a prize to be won.” First we must consider the dedication and sacrifice of the candidates
themselves. Whether you look at Hillary Clinton, John McCain or Barack Obama, you find the same pattern:
All the candidates maintained a focused purpose and a MAINTAIN A FOCUSED PURPOSE
determination to achieve it. Their eyes were fixed on the prize. A DETERMINATION TO ACHIEVE IT
This is a vital key to embracing all that it takes to endure the
grueling pace of the race. If the prize is not continually held up A WILLINGNESS TO EMBRACE THE COST
before the mind’s eye, there can be no heart, no vision for A RELENTLESS, GRUELING CAMPAIGN SCHEDULE
embracing the cost of the race. Just think about John McCain
maintaining such a rigorous campaign schedule at the age of 72! ENDURE AN ENDLESS MEDIA SCRUTINY OF
Toward the end of the race I noted that he was speaking five times a PERSONAL CHARACTER AND CONDUCT
day in three different states! That takes sacrifice and commitment
that can only come from maintaining a vision of the prize. ENDURE A BARRAGE OF FALSE ACCUSATIONS,
Then there is the intense scrutiny of the candidates by not only LIES, AND DISTORTIONS OF TRUTHS
the media looking for a news scoop, but also the barrage of false BY THOSE IN OPPOSITION
accusations, distortions of truths and even lies that surface from
those in opposition to a given candidate.
The second aspect that is worthy of consideration as examples of what it takes to run a race for the prize, is to
look at the fervency of those laboring as willing volunteers to see that their preferred candidate achieves the
goal of the White House. You have seen volumes
of images like these over
the last two years as this
campaign progressed.
Tireless laborers working
the phone lines, standing
on street corners, going
door to door, seeking
support for their
My wife and I were in Ohio on election night visiting our sister church. There were perhaps three hours left until
the polls closed, and yet we saw a team of workers going door to door, clipboard in hand, looking for voters
who had not yet been to the polls. Saints of God, we have been given the commission by Christ to be His
ambassadors on earth ( 2 Cor. 5:19-20). I believe these political campaign volunteers put us to shame with their
selfless dedication and hard work towards an earthly cause.
While in Ohio, we were taken to a local restaurant which turned out to be owned by a zealous and radical
supporter of Barack Obama. As we entered the eatery, we were confronted by a life-sized statue of Obama
dressed in campaign paraphernalia. The owner was offering champagne to any Democrats (or Republicans)
who voted for Obama. This is radical commitment to a belief that could even harm her business, but she did not
care for her cause was above the cost! Great object lesson for the Christian! On the evening news there was
the story of a gas station owner who spent $70,000 dollars to change the name of his station to “Obama Gas.”
And what about those rallies? What a radical, fanatical bunch of people
standing in droves for hours waiting to see a glimpse
of their beloved candidate!