Page 8 - The Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2009
P. 8


         “I HAVE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT,            Having identified the prize as a name (the Bride of Christ) and
                I HAVE FINISHED THE RACE,          a place in God’s House (New Jerusalem) that is better than
                   I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH.          sons and daughters, let us now look at the criteria that defines
                                                   the race we must run in order to win the prize. Paul spells out
          FINALLY, THERE IS LAID UP FOR ME         three things which he himself did in order to lay hold of an
           THE CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS,             imperishable crown: “I have fought the good fight, I have
                                                   finished the race, I have kept the faith”, and so must we. Our
    WHICH THE LORD, THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE,           fight is with a three-fold enemy: the world, the flesh and the
            WILL GIVE TO ME ON THAT DAY,           devil. Paul establishes himself as a pattern to be followed (Phil
                                                   3:17, 1 Cor. 4:16). No one will be crowed unless they run by the
AND NOT TO ME ONLY, BUT ALSO TO ALL WHO            rules of the race ( 2 Tim. 2:5). Notice the mandate,”I kept the
     HAVE LOVED HIS APPEARING.” 2 Tim. 4:7-8       faith.” This is important in light of Paul’s prediction that “
                                                   the latter times,some will depart from the faith, giving heed to
                                                   seducing spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Tim.4:1).

                                                                     The second criteria for running the race is that
                                                                     of dealing thoroughly with sin. A. W. Tozer
                                                                     stated it this way:

                                                                                        “DEAL THOROUGHLY WITH THE ISSUE OF SIN,
                                                                                                            OR THE ISSUE OF SIN

                                                                                              WILL DEAL THOROUGHLY WITH YOU.”

“...SIN LIES AT      “DO NOT LET                   These two passages, one from the Old Testament and one
   THE DOOR,         SIN REIGN IN                  from the New, convey clearly that God intends for His people
                    YOUR MORTAL                    to reign over sin in their lives. Grace covers sin, but was
AND ITS DESIRE                                     never meant to be a license to continue in sin:
  IS FOR YOU,              BODY,
     BUT YOU            THAT YOU                                 “SHALL WE CONTINUE IN SIN THAT GRACE
 SHOULD RULE       SHOULD OBEY IT                                MAY ABOUND? CERTAINLY NOT!” Rom. 6:1
    OVER IT.”        IN ITS LUSTS.”
                                                        “THOSE WHO ARE CHRIST’S HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH
         Gen. 4:7           Rom. 6:12                            WITH ITS PASSIONS AND DESIRES.” Gal. 5:24

              “DO NOT BE                            The third criteria for running the race for the prize centers
CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD,                            upon our ongoing warfare with this present world. “Conformed
                                                    or transformed” is the issue at stake. The world seeks to
      BUT BE TRANSFORMED                            conform us to its mold, but the Word can transform our mind
         BY THE RENEWING                            to think differently about the world. The world lies under the
            OF YOU MIND                             sway of the Wicked One (1 Jn. 5:19). The direction of this
                                                    world is according to the Prince and Power of the Air, Satan
     THAT YOU MAY PROVE                             (Eph. 2:2). All the philosophy that is in this present world (the
   WHAT IS THAT GOOD AND                            lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life) is
  ACCEPTABLE AND PERFECT                            stated as not being of God. Also, the Word tells us that
                                                    whoever loves this present world does not really love God (1
           WILL OF GOD.”                            Jn. 2:15-17). The apostle James tells us that if we are a friend
                                                    of the world, then we make ourselves the enemy of God (Jm.
                     Rom. 12:2
            “AND DO THIS, KNOWING THE TIME,         4:4).
       OUT OF SLEEP; FOR NOW OUR SALVATION          The fourth criteria for running the race deals with the issue of
     IS NEARER THAN WHEN WE FIRST BELIEVED...       laziness and indifference. Paul tells believers it is high time to
  LET US CAST OFF THE WORKS OF DARKNESS AND         awake out of sleep since our salvation is nearer than when we
     PUT ON THE ARMOR OF LIGHT. LET US WALK         first believed. Nearly two thousand years have elapsed since
     PROPERLY...PUT ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,       Paul gave this warning. How much nearer do you suppose is
      AND MAKE NO PROVISION FOR THE FLESH,          our salvation today?

             TO FULFILL ITS LUSTS.” Rom. 13:11-14   Paul charges the believer with the responsibility of “knowing
                                                    the time.” God commended:

                                                    “THE SONS OF ISSACHAR WHO HAD UNDERSTANDING OF THE
                                                   TIMES, TO KNOW WHAT ISRAEL OUGHT TO DO...” 1 Chron. 12:32

                                                     Paul tells us here in Romans 13 exactly what the church
                                                     ought to be doing in light of the time in which we live.
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