Page 5 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2011
P. 5

~JANUARY 2011~                                                                                  5

                   AN INTRODUCTION TO

It was Shakespeare that penned the          AH,   1. THE POOR IN SPIRIT…            OR NOT
moral challenge to man in stating,        TO BE!         2. THOSE WHO                TO BE!
“To be, or not to be,                                        MOURN…
that is the question.”                                  3. THE MEEK…
However, long before this challenge
to mankind was penned, God’s Word                      4. THOSE WHO
set before His own people a set of                     HUNGER AND THIRST
moral values that have been dubbed                     FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS…
with the popular title,                               5. THE MERCIFUL…
“The Beatitudes.”
The Latin word for “beatitude” simply             6. THE PURE IN HEART…
means “blessed.” Each beatitude
begins with the words,                            7. THE PEACEMAKERS…
“Blessed are…”                                    8. THE PERSECUTED…
In the Beatitudes, God has set before
the Christian believer eight areas of                                 Matt. 5:3-12
promised blessing, eight things that
God fully intends for His people to                          “A PERSISTENT DISPOSITION
“be” in this life. As a teacher, I have,         TO ACT EITHER POSITIVELY OR NEGATIVELY
with tongue-in-cheek, dubbed them         TOWARD A PERSON, GROUP, SITUATION OR VALUE…
with the more proper title of
“The “Be” Attitudes.”                               A MOOD THAT IMPACTS BEHAVIOR…” Webster
The dire question really for each one
of us, as followers of Christ, is the
choice either “To be, or not to be.”

It is indeed a blessing to choose to be what God wants us to become, and conversely ,we must realize
that it can inevitably lead to a divine curse if we continually and willfully go through life choosing to not
embrace what God intends for us to become in His sight.

THE KINGDOMS        It is my understanding that the primary                         THE KINGDOM
OF THIS WORLD   purpose God has for the Beatitudes in the life                         OF GOD

      AND ITS    of a believer is to pinpoint those necessary                              AND ITS
                   things that will draw us ever-closer to the
    ATTITUDES  Kingdom of God in its present manifestation on                          BEATITUDES
                 earth, and thereby cause us to move further
                    away from the demonic influence of the

                              kingdoms of this world.
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