Page 91 - The Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2009
P. 91

Another way to view the distinction between the two is:                           If Satan can keep the

    HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME                                    HIGHER LEVELS:           believer in a constant
                                                                                      state where he/she is

    YOUR KINGDOM COME                                                                 not ever delivered from

    YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH                                                        the power and influence
              AS IT IS IN HEAVEN                                                         of the evil one, and is

                                                                                      constantly tormented

                                                                                      with falling into the

    GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD                         LOWER LEVELS:              same temptations, or
          AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS                                                         being ensnared in a
                                                                                      state of unwillingness to

    AND DO NOT LEAD US INTO TEMPTATION                                                   forgive others as we
         BUT DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE                                             have been forgiven, or

                                                                                             being in a state in

                                                                                      which God does not

    If we are consumed with only “us” praying in a survival mode, then we will know supply us with our

    little of the higher level of sacrificial praying for God’s name to be hallowed, His “daily bread” (needs),

    kingdom to come, or His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. I think you  then we cannot get

    can begin to see that more is required of the believer than merely memorizing     beyond “survival

    or quoting the words contained within The Lord’s Prayer. Get victory in the       praying.”

    lower levels by avoiding these pitfalls of Satan designed to ensnare us, and we

    can begin to focus upon higher things for God!

    Look at this incredible statement Jesus makes about Satan:

                 COMING. AND HE HAS NO CLAIM ON ME.

                     AND HE HAS NO POWER OVER ME.]”

                                   Jn. 14:30 Amp.

    What Jesus stated above is a proclamation pertaining to His practical relationship to the devil. It is to
    become the believer’s ongoing relationship to Satan as well. When Jesus says, “he has no claim on
    me…he has nothing in common with me…there is nothing in me that belongs to him…he has no power
    over me”, it relates to things such as contained within The Lord’s Prayer. We must guard ourselves in
    such a way that we are truly delivered from being under the influence of the evil one. We must deal so
    thoroughly with sin in our lives that Satan has little in his arsenal that is capable of leading us astray
    with temptation. We must so guard against the sin of unforgiveness lest we be ensnared to the point
    that we become turned over to the torturers until we forgive (see Matt. 18:35). We need to handle our
    finances in such a way that we honor God with the firstfruits of our increase (tithes) lest God cause us
    to lack even for daily bread (see Prov. 3:9, Hag. 1:3-11, 2 Cor. 9:6-10).

    Break the principles that govern these areas in our lives, and we can pray The Lord’s Prayer until we
    are blue in the face to no avail! We may indeed pray The Lord’s Prayer by means of rote memorization,
    but are we working out these things in a practical manner so that the contents of The Lord’s Prayer
    become proclamations of what is active in our daily lives? As an example, often I hear God’s people
    dealing rather tritely with the putting on of the armor of God (Ephesians Chapter 6) in such a mystical
    way that it really has no practical application or significant meaning. The armor of God is not to be
    applied in some mystical fashion of faith by merely repeating what is stated as the seven pieces of the
    armor of God, but rather these seven pieces of armor are statements of practical application! They sum
    up things that are to be active ingredients in our lives, not mere words spoken in mystical faith. So
    likewise with the contents of The Lord’s Prayer! Is what we say a present outworking in our lives, or do
    we merely say the words to God apart from doing the things that enable them to take place?
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