Page 13 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2011
P. 13

~FEBRUARY 2011~                                                                     13

                            PART TWO OF

                         THE BEATITUDES:

          “THUS SAYS      “BLESSED ARE                                 “FOR THUS SAYS
           THE LORD:                                                    THE HIGH AND
‘HEAVEN IS MY THRONE,                        ,                        LOFTY ONE WHO
        AND EARTH IS                                                INHABITS ETERNITY,
     MY FOOTSTOOL…       FOR THEIRS IS                           WHOSE NAME IS HOLY:
 MY HAND HAS MADE…’       OF HEAVEN.”                                      ‘I DWELL IN
       SAYS THE LORD.                                              THE HIGH AND HOLY
                                                     Matt. 5:3
             ‘BUT ON                                                           PLACE,
            THIS ONE                                              WITH HIM WHO HAS A
         I WILL LOOK:                                           CONTRITE AND HUMBLE
             ON HIM
        WHO IS POOR                                                            SPIRIT,
            AND OF A                                            TO REVIVE THE SPIRIT OF
   AND WHO TREMBLES                                                      THE HUMBLE,
      AT MY WORD.’ ”                                                   AND TO REVIVE
                                                                        THE HEART OF
              Isa. 66:2                                         THE CONTRITE ONES. ‘ ”

                                                                             Isa. 57:15

What is stated as the first of the Beatitudes by Jesus in the New Testament has been previously
recorded in an amplified manner by the mouth of Isaiah the prophet. This is an important truth to bring
forth, for the contents of the Beatitudes are not restricted, as new revelation given, only to New
Testament believers as many teach. All the principles of the Beatitudes of Matthew Chapter Five can
be found in the Old Testament as well. Not only are they in the Old Testament, but these often contain
amplification and clarification not found in the more simple statements of the Beatitudes in Matthew!

These are unchanging principles that God has always required of His people. These are the “attitudes”
that God desires to see permeating the lives of His people on earth! These are the life-changing
principles that are to govern the Kingdom of God in its present manifestation on earth. These are the
God-given principles that make the believer a true witness, a stark distinction from that which marks
the people of the world! It is the Beatitudes that enable our light to shine into darkness (Matt. 5:16)

A comparison between the brief statement of the first New Testament Beatitude above and the
amplified statements of the Old Testament leave no doubt as to why Jesus says the Kingdom of
Heaven belongs to the poor in spirit. The “High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity”, and who states
“Heaven is My throne”, singles out the poor in spirit on earth as those with whom He chooses to dwell!
If God’s people cultivate a godly attitude of being poor in spirit on earth, they can be assured “theirs is
the Kingdom of Heaven” for it is with such that the King of Heaven chooses to dwell!

Today we hear much being said about revival. However, the pre-requisite to revival is the Beatitude of
becoming “poor in spirit”: “I DWELL IN THE HIGH AND HOLY PLACE,

                                WITH HIM WHO HAS A CONTRITE AND HUMBLE SPIRIT,

                                                                      Isa. 57:15
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