Page 97 - The Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2009
P. 97

In our previous newsletter, we examined the reason why Jesus wants His people to pray in such a
    manner as stated in the Lord’s Prayer. In essence, the first four steps (working from the bottom) of this
    instructional prayer teaches believers how to overcome Satan in his corresponding roles as
    (1) the Adversary, (2) the Tempter, (3) the Accuser, and (4) the Devourer. This is “survival praying” :

    Understand that such “survival praying” will be necessary for every believer as long as (1) Satan roams
    the earth, and (2) we continue to live on this temporal earth which presently remains under his demonic
    influence ( see 1 Jn. 5:19, Eph. 2:2, 6:11-13, 2 Cor. 4:4).

    The remaining three steps
    (again, working from the bottom) of the
    Lord’s Prayer, contain a significant and
    important paradigm shift from an emphasis
    upon the believer overcoming Satan’s
    temporary kingdom, unto the needful,
    progressive establishment of the Kingdom
    of God on earth.

    Satan, (and his kingdom) is on the way
    out, but the fullness of the Kingdom of God
    is on the way in! Although we, as
    believers, must continue to practice
    “survival praying” against the effects of
    Satan and his kingdom in our daily lives,
    we must also begin to pray what must be
    viewed as “sacrificial praying” for the ever-
    increasing manifestation of the Kingdom of God to come first and foremost in our own lives, and
    secondly, to a very needy and desperate world that continues to be blinded by Satan’s counterfeit
    kingdoms. Paul elaborates for us this most needful priority of grasping what is going on in this world
    under the control of Satan, and what needs to take place by means of the true gospel message:

                                                                  “BUT EVEN IF OUR GOSPEL IS VEILED,
                                                             IT IS VEILED TO THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING,
                                                       WHOSE MINDS THE GOD OF THIS AGE HAS BLINDED,

                                                                              WHO DO NOT BELIEVE,
                                                 LEST THE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL OF THE GLORY OF CHRIST,

                                                   WHO IS THE IMAGE OF GOD, SHOULD SHINE ON THEM…
                                        FOR IT IS GOD WHO COMMANDED LIGHT TO SHINE OUT OF DARKNESS

                                                   WHO HAS SHONE IN OUR HEARTS TO GIVE THE LIGHT OF
                                     THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST.”

                                                                                        2 Cor. 4:3-6
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